E|S’s transportation attorneys understand the needs of those in the transportation industry and offer a wide range of legal services to transportation providers, including trucking companies and aviation providers.

E|S's transportation attorneys are accomplished litigators with extensive experience in both state and federal court. They guide trucking and other transportation companies through the entire litigation process, from the accident scene through appeal. E|S's attorneys are available around the clock to provide the following services at the scene of an accident:
• Investigation of the accident scene
• Conduct witness and driver interviews
• Gathering of and preserving evidence
• Working with local law enforcement
• Retaining expert witnesses
E|S's attorneys also provide trucking and other transportation companies representation in the following areas:
• Workers' compensation
• Insurance coverage
• Employment law
• Contract formation and disputes
Matthew D. Quandt is a member of TIDA (the Trucking Industry Defense Association), one of only six attorney members in Nebraska/Iowa.
The Trucking Industry Defense Association (TIDA) is a nonprofit association with members devoted to sharing knowledge and resources for defense of the trucking industry. Founded in 1993, TIDA has become the organization of choice for over 1,600 motor carriers, trucking insurers, defense attorneys and claims servicing companies. The organization is committed to reducing the cost of claims and lawsuits against the trucking industry. Members work to develop strategies and share knowledge to defend the trucking industry in personal injury, property damage, workers' compensation and cargo claims. TIDA members advocate on behalf of the industry’s interests.
As part of his trucking defense practice, Mr. Quandt offers 24-hour rapid response: facilitate on-scene investigation, organize applicable post-crash testing, collect driver and company documents, take steps to maintain confidentiality and expert work product, ensure FMCSR compliance, etc.

From complex transactions to litigation, whether it involves purchasing an aircraft or dealing with the Federal Aviation Administration, the attorneys in our transportation group have the necessary experience to help our clients navigate through this increasingly complex area of law.
Our attorneys are not only well versed in substantive transportation issues, they have real life experience in the aviation industry. Tiernan Siems holds an Airline Transport Pilot’s certificate, flies Part 91 and 135 charter and also provides multi-engine and instrument flight instruction. Tiernan is an AOPA approved Panel Counsel.
E|S's attorneys assist clients in all areas of aviation representation including:
FAA Investigations
NTSB Appeals
Aircraft Transactions
Airport Regulation & Funding
Fixed Base Operations
Aviation Accidents
In particular E|S offers representation in the following areas:
Pilots: From the first Letter of Investigation from the Federal Aviation Administration, to a Notice of Proposed Certificate Action, and all the way through appealing a License Suspension or Revocation to the National Transportation Safety Board, E|S Transportation attorneys can assist pilots in protecting their licensure.
Aviation Organizations: Fixed base operators, maintenance providers, municipalities, and other businesses involved in aerospace face many of the same corporate and employment regulations applicable to non-aviation companies. E|S's extensive experience and involvement in the complementary fields of Corporate law, Employment law, and Government Relations mean that clients can receive comprehensive representation. Whether it’s drafting documentation for the purchase or sale of an aircraft or a merger between aviation entities, E|S's Transportation attorneys are available to assist.
Insurers: Property damage, personal injury, wrongful death, coverage issues and other insurance matters require seasoned attorneys that know the law and the industry. The unique combination of knowledge and experience held by attorneys at E|S provides our insurance company clients with a distinct advantage in and out of the courtroom.
Types of Operations: E|S's Transportation attorneys are able to assist clients operating under 14 CFR Part 91, Part 135, Part 141, and others. These regulations encompass nearly all aviation operation within the United States.
The Transportation attorneys of Erickson | Sederstrom are ready to assist you.
Call 1-800-279-3756
or contact us online to learn more.